
[Scroll down for English.]

Music Mountain er en række af koncerter arrangeret af kunstnergruppen Temporary Services, som har base i USA og i Danmark. Koncertrækkens titel er inspireret af den utilsigtede engelske oversættelse af Tingbjerg til “Things Mountain”.

Vi har inviteret syv bands til at spille en række af fem koncerter i forskellige fælles byrum i Tingbjerg. Koncerterne er gratis for alle. Vi mener, at spændende livemusik bør være tilgængelig overalt og for alle aldersgrupper – ikke blot i storbyer med veletablerede musikscener og på barer. Offentlige optrædener kan skabe nye sociale oplevelser, der ikke alene kan føre til en forandret oplevelse af et nabolag, men også til en ny bevidsthed om os selv. Hvor bor vi, og hvad kan lade sig gøre der?

Som adskillige tidligere projekter arrangeret af Temporary Services er Music Mountain et forsøg på at samarbejde med andre kunstnere og på at bringe væsentlig eksperimentalkultur til nye publikum på uventede steder. Ingen af de inviterede bands har spillet i Tingbjerg før. Vi håber, at disse koncerter vil være lige så friske oplevelser for de syv bands som for publikum, som sandsynligvis hører disse musikere spille for første gang.

At arbejde i grupper er meget mere accepteret i musikverdenen end i kunstverdenen. Som en kunstnergruppe finder vi en særlig værdi i at arbejde sammen med andre grupper på tværs af discipliner samt at fremme dette samarbejde. Vi er samtidig store musikfans og mener ikke, at der findes mange ting, der er mere interessante end at se bands skabe musik sammen i en livesituation. Vi har forsøgt at inddrage forskellige genrer, men erkender samtidig, at syv bands kun kan repræsentere en vis mængde forskellige yde. Vi håber, at både beboere i Tingbjerg og besøgende i bydelen vil komme til disse koncerter med åbne ører og åbne sind.

Music Mountain is a series of concerts organized by the group Temporary Services, which is based in the US and Denmark. The title of this concert series was inspired by the accidental translation of the name Tingbjerg as “Things Mountain” in English.

We have invited seven groups to play a series of five concerts in the shared city spaces of Tingbjerg. The concerts cost nothing to attend. We believe that exciting live music should be available in all places and for all ages – not just large cities with deeply established music scenes, or only in bars. Public performances can create unusual social experiences, that can lead to not only a changed sense of a neighborhood, but a new sense of ourselves. Where do we live and what is possible there?

Like many past projects organized by Temporary Services, Music Mountain is an effort to collaborate with other artists and bring vital experimental culture to new audiences in unexpected places. None of the groups we invited have ever played in Tingbjerg before. We hope that these concerts will be as fresh of an experience for the bands as the audiences who are likely hearing these musicians for the first time.

Working in groups finds far greater acceptance in the world of music than visual art. As a group of artists, we find particular value in working with other groups across disciplines and promoting collaboration. We are also huge fans of music and find few things more exciting than watching bands make music together in a live situation. We have tried to include a variety of genres but also recognize that seven bands can only represent so many sounds. We hope that both residents of Tingbjerg and visitors to the area will approach these concerts with open ears and open minds.

Little is more exciting than watching bands make music together in a live situation. We have tried to include a variety of genres but also recognize that seven bands can only represent so many sounds. We hope that both residents of Tingbjerg and visitors to the area will approach these concerts with open ears and open minds.