

Épicerie and the Portable Store—Nicolas Floc’h, August 27 – September 27, 1999

Artist Nicolas Floc’h raised vegetables in the Lawndale neighborhood. He planted them in such a way that the plants spelled out their own names: tomato plants spelled the word “TOMATO.” The vegetables were then given away at the Temporary Services space, which was transformed into a small grocery store. Floc’h also made all the furniture which breaks down and fits together making a compact, self-contained crate.

This was the final exhibition at 2890 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Images from the Épicerie and Lawndale Garden:

Interior view Installation shot epicerie_seating desk_chair_epicerie epicerie_tomatoes epicerie_garden RADISHES

This exhibition occurred simultaneously:
Écriture Productive: Documentation
230 W. Superior, 2nd floor
Begins August 27, 1999

These exhibitions made possible with the support of Étant Donnes, The Cultural Services of the French Embassy – Chicago, Ivy Crest Garden and Lawndale Community Outreach Services, and The Experimental Station.


Andreas Fischer, Matthew Hanner and Robert “Jake” Jacobs—Organized by Whitewalls, July 9 – August 9, 1999


Mobile Sign Systems2a

Mobile Sign Systems: A Temporary Public Art Project—Organized by Marc Fischer, June 11 – June 26, 1999

Sandwich boards by: Jim Duignan, Anthony Elms, Oli Watt, Harold Jefferies, Jacqueline Terrassa, Erik Brown, Zena Sakowski & Rob Kelly, Matti Allison & Marc Fischer, Michael Piazza with Ronald S. from the Cook County Juvenile Dentention Center

The booklet that accompanies this ambitious initiative includes Marc Fischer’s introduction to the project, a guide to making your own sandwich board, a list of artists, activists, troublemakers and others that have worked in public and inspire Temporary Services, a bibliography, and material from the artists that contributed to Mobile Sign Systems. Download the booklet:



Travelling, Hindu Temple Series—Mikelle Standbridge, April 24 – May 20, 1999, located at 213 E. Cullerton in Chicago

The booklet is available from Half Letter Press.


Images from the exhibtion:

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Stephanie Ognar, MSCHarding and Lilliane Yvonne—April 16 – May 10, 1999

Stephanie Ognar—12 flip books
MSCHarding—audio installation/field recording
Lillian Yvonne—designer of Temp. Serv.’s micro-lounge


Maybe not the darkest, sexiest party,but still… (psychological effects of long-term inclement weather)—Lillian Yvonne, Saturday, February 13, 1999

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First exhibition: Axe Street Arena, The Allison and Fischer Atlas and Disc—December 18, 1998 – January 25, 1999

Axe Street Arena – a documentary exhibition of the Chicago gallery/meeting space that was active during the 1980s—compiled by Michael Piazza.

axe_street_arena2 axe_street_arena1

Matti Allison and Marc Fischer—selections from the “Allison and Fischer Atlas.”

atlas_project atlas_window atlas_detail

Disc—audio installation